Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Weather Underground

Feeling crappy tonight as what appears to be a head cold tries to grab hold of me. I haven't been ill in ages so I really hate it when I do get something. I have a very good immune system, but the affects of the calorie reduction from >4000 a day to about 1700 has likely knocked my immune system down a bit. But I'm not fretting, I will knock whatever this is out quickly, if it even gets ahold.

Dinner was good tonight, NS entree with brocolli and polenta. My snack consisted of the NS dessert (pudding) with a teaspoon of peanut butter mixed in and some almonds. My daily calories topped out just under 1800, so another good day. That ends day 31 on NS.


I recently got a reunion notice from my old college team. I would love to go, but then again it's this weight thing. I hate seeing people at this weight when the last time they saw me I was in top physical condition. Again, I think this is only something overweight people can relate to. It's the same reason I have stayed away from Colorado the last years. As much as I love all my relatives and they love me, I hate for them to see me like this. I'm probably making too much out of this, but this weight really plays with your head. So I think I will pass on the reunion and hopefully with God's help next time I can go and be proud.

After today, I have two days left on my vacation and wouldn't you know it, I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. Figures, just as I'm about to go back to work. And then on Monday I have Jury duty, so I hope I can get over this very fast. I went to the drug store for some Cold Eeze. That usually helps knock out my colds altogether or gets rid of them faster. I was going to the Social Security office on Thursday, but now I will wait and see how I feel in the morning. I may just have to stay home and rest.

So far today NS has been good. It's Wednesday and that's the day I go to morning mass with my sister Vicky and we meet Rocko and Heidi. Afterwards the four of us go to breakfast where I have my usual, 8 oz of Oatmeal, egg white Veggie omelette, skinless chicken breast. That's about 420 calories.

For lunch I had my NS entree (chicken salad) on two pieces of light 7 grain bread with a nice big salad and a banana. Only about 300 calories.

Not sure what I'm having for dinner yet, will post that later this evening.

It's a hot one today in Vegas, over 100 degrees. In fact the next several days are supposed to be over the century mark. And June is just starting. July and August are our hottest months, and we can get some nasty thunderstorms during that period also. Though the last few years have been quite tame with storms. I like a nice thunderstorm, as long as we don't get flash floods that can be quite bothersome here in the high dessert.

Well, best get some rest and think about dinner in another few hours. Don't have much of an appetite, but still, have to eat - especially if I'm fighting off a cold.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mental Exercise

Ok, minor setback with the exercise as I pulled a muscle in my back. I was dead lifting 400 lbs at the gym and felt something strange. What!! you don't believe me? Ok, would you believe 200lbs on the military press? (insert your best Maxwell Smart voice here)..... Would you believe the juicebar waitress over my head? Ahhh, would you believe a beer from the fridge...... Ok,Ok, I tweaked it getting out of the shower. So I really did tweak it deadlifting 400lbs.... just that it wasn't at the gym, it was out of the shower. I hear you laughing over there, but it's true. And before you judge me so harshly, just remember, most home accidents occur in the kitchen and bathroom. Showers can be dangerous. In fact, I'm thinking I should just give them up alltogether. Just kidding. So my back really doesn't hurt too much, just when I THINK of going to the gym. So no more of that negative thinking. :)

So I went to Albertson's for some veggies and a few other odds and ends. Three bags of groceries, $47!!! Geez Louise. Of course nine bucks of that was on contact solution. We complain about the $3 per gallon gasoline prices,when we should be protesting the price of contact solution. $9 for about 12 oz. What does that come out to, over $100 per gallon of contact solution!!!! And it's not even refined or supplies being disrupted by wars or hurricanes.

I'm watching "Secret Smile" on BBC America. It's a two-part miniseries . This woman (Miranda) dates a guy for 10 days and then finds out he's a psycho. She dumps him but he doesn't take it well and to get back at her he starts dating her sister. He proceeds to get her manic-drepressive brother to kill himself, dumps the sister at the alter, marries Miranda's best friend, kills best friend, makes everyone including the police think SHE'S the one that is the stalker and then moves on to another woman he terrorizes. Miranda not only wants to get him for pushing her brother to suicide, but also to save this new victim of his. All in all not bad, but the ending was kind of predictable. Miranda was played by Kate Ashfield, of Shaun of the Dead fame.

Dinner update : 2 slices of Polenta covered with the NS entree (Chicken Pasta Parmesan). Stir fry veggies with extra snap peas. calories 461

Snack/late meal : chocolate biscotti with 1 tspn peanut butter, 1/4 melon, 3/4 cup pineapple and light yoplait yogurt. Calories 350

Today's total calories : 1500. Below the 1800-2100 target, but oh well.

2nd Month begins

Today is the 2nd month of NS and day 2. I only have 4 days left on my vacation. I'm not looking forward to returning. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed my job for many years, but this has been a tough last four months. We laid off about 40% of our staff and now are going through a merger that who knows where it will take us. I have a lot of problems to fix when I get back and some of which I don't know how we will fix. Oh well, I will worry about it when I return to work. All you can do is your best. But the work environment has changed and for the first time in my 20 years at this company I feel like the future is uncertain. I am going to make plans just in case though. I plan on returning to school in the fall and I'm going to study for and pass the real estate test. I have a few contacts in the real estate business now so I may try to become a loan processor. I know a realator who is very successful and can possibly bring some business my way. I make a good living, but I'm tired of being at the mercy of an employer. Even though my background is in computers and mathematics, I think a career change is in need. I do have a standing job offer as a math teacher. I have thought about becomming a teacher, maybe teaching geometry or trig.... maybe even calculus, but with kids today...... it's just different than when I was in high school. But, we'll see. Right now I want to plan on something in real estate, but I won't discount teaching - though I'd be poor all the time. Not that there is anything wrong with that ( don't you hate Seinfeld). :)

Anyways, NS is going well, though I have eaten out way too much on my vacation. I have still eaten healthy, just too much away from the NS foods. When I return to work on Saturday I will resume my eating out just once a week for breakfast on Wednesdays.

I still have many items on my vacation to-do list, but I don't feel like doing any today. I think I will have lunch in another hour then maybe go to the movies. Not sure what I will see, but that's what I feel like doing.

I should be getting my 2nd shipment of NS foods here any day. It was shipped on the 27th and it usually takes about 4-7 days. I still have four or five days of NS foods left, so it should be fine.

Here is what my menu has been for today :

Ok, I ate out breakfast again, but I had my usual : Egg white veggie omelette with 1 tspn of guacamole and salsa topping. 8 oz of plain oatmeal, one skinless chicken breast.

Lunch: NS Entree (Nutripeptide drink), salad with tomato, onion and 2 slices of Polenta, melon.

Dinner : (not sure yet).

Monday, May 29, 2006

Day 28

Just returned home from the Veteran's Cemetary. The place was packed, nearly impossble to find a parking spot. On the way home we stopped at the A&W stand and I had a diet Root Beer. Would have been nice to have a Root Beer float, but that's a no-no.
Day 29 of NS and so far I've lost 24 pounds. That's just over 5.7 pounds per week which is actually just above what I mathmatically figured I should lose based on weight and calories consumed. I was very satisfied with the first four weeks of the program. If anyone decides to use NS for themselves, I would be more than happy to help you with any additional items.

My menu so far today :

Breakfast (at Texas Buffet) : egg white omelette with spinach topped with a tomato salsa. Salad with a tiny bit of Italian dressing, shrimp (took the place of my normal chicken breast) and 8 oz of oatmeal. It was actually brunch so I had some breakfast and some lunch. Still, only came in around 500 calories.

Lunch : NS lunch (chicken noodle soup), 5 slices of low fat Chicken on two pieces of light wheat bread, 1/4 of a melon and 1/2 cup of pineapple. approx 420 calories.

Dinner : NS Entree over 2 slices of Polenta, spinach, mixed veggies, salad with tomato and onion.

Late snack/dessert : NS dessert (biscotti with 1 tspn peanut butter), 1/4 cup FF cottage cheese with pineapple. 6 almonds

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Gone but not forgotten

Memorial weekend is here and while I remember my loved ones that have passed on EVERY DAY, this day is always special for the ones that served their country. Monday morning I will pick up my sisters and we will go to a Memorial day mass at Our Lady of Las Vegas (my parish). After 9am mass I will pick up my uncle Al (mom's brother) and the four of us will go to breakfast. Vicky's friend Rocko will likely be at mass so he usually joins us for breakfast. After breakfast I will drive the four of us to Boulder City, which is about 25 miles East of Las Vegas. Mom and Dad are buried at the Veteran's Memorial Cemetery. We go to the cemetery quite often, but Memorial Day they have special ceremonies that are attended by both State Senators, local officials and other notables. I have attended the last two years. Dad served two tours in the Army Core of Engineers from 1938 to 1946.

Dad got out in 1946, the same year he married mom and then began an insurance career that saw him become Western Regional Director for Prudential Insurance. He worked there until he took early retirement in the 1970's. Dad passed on Jan 2, 2001 at age 83.

Mom was a homemaker, took care of her kids and family, though she did start out as a teacher. I thank God every day for the great parents he gave me. I only wish every kid could have had the parents I did. Mom passed away on May 1, 2005 after a long battle with Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's is a terrible way to go and I only hope they will find a cure or better treatments for it in the near future. You can help cure Parkinson's by making donations to the American Parkinson Disease Association.
I just got done writing an article about my mom for her "Class of '42" newsletter. There aren't many graduates left in her high school grad class. But the publisher wanted me to write something on mom that he will put in the next newsletter. I will post of copy when it comes out.

Life goes fast, enjoy it and make sure you tell those special to you how much you love them EVERY DAY!!!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

One Month down......

There you have it, four shots of the traffic at 9:45pm on Saturday night from the Stip and Flamingo Blvd. All those lovely tourists paying my state taxes for me. Ok, so I can still love them for that at least. Meanwhile I'm home enjoying a movie on cable. My sisters came over to my place and we watched "Rent." I also went to the movies today and watched "X-Men." It wasn't bad, though way too croweded. I usually go to movies on my days off (Wed/Thur) so going on a Saturday I forgot how crowded it can be. I also went to see "Over the Hedge" which was really cute. I'm a big kid at heart anyways, I still like Scooby Doo and Bugs Bunny.

Sunday marks day 28 on NS and the end of the first month. I have to say, I've had a 100% compliant month on NS and it's been extremely smooth. Too much so in fact. The food has been good, I haven't been hungry and I have felt well. Tonight's dinner was another pizza (they sure are good) with tomato, onion, extra cheese and chicken. Total calories, 350. I added a nice salad with some Polenta and that brought dinner to about 550 calories.

My late snack/dessert was some Melon, non-fat yogurt, almonds and NS Dessert (pudding), for 350 calories. That brought my day to 1805 calories, a perfect day in my calorie range.

I'd like to say my vacation has let me forget about work for a week or so, but so far I've had to do some work from home on about 3 nights. I guess the only way to get totally out of the work is to leave town.

Weigh-in day will be Monday morning. I'm hoping for at least 4 pounds this week. I should get just over 5 if I stick to my calories perfectly, which I have. I don't expect the 10 pounds I've been seeing, but I would be more than happy with 4-5 a week.

I think I will go to the gym on Monday. I know my weight routine will really have had a setback. I will have to reduce the weights quite a bit. It's so easy for your muscles to lose any tone you've built up.

It's a Mad Mad City

The calm before the storm. This picture was a live snapshot of the traffice on one of the busiest intersections in the country, Las Vegas Blvd (Strip) and Flamingo. This quite Saturday morning traffic (8:30am Sat) will be a madhouse of bumper to bumper cars for miles come tonight.

I hate Vegas on holidays. This place normally is croweded with tourists, but even more so during the holidays. You'd think $3.40/gallon gas in LA would keep them away, but nope, they come here in record numbers. I was going to go to Mandalay Bay's Coral Reef lounge show tonight until I remembered this was a holiday weekend. You won't catch me within miles of the Strip this weekend. It's bad enough I have to cross the Strip going to and from work each day. No, I don't work in a gaming related business. My job is in sports and I mainly work on Internet and statistical/software related projects. That's why I have to take my nearly 6 weeks of vacation time from May 1st until July 30. We aren't allowed vacations during football season and most of basketball.

I have to get some things done this week. Here's my to-do list for the upcoming week of vacation.

1. Oil Change
2. Replace my stolen Social Security card.
3. Replace my stolen car title.
4. Clean house
5. Clean yard

Ok, number 2 & 3 relate to a home breakin that happened to me back in January. I returned from church one day and found my house had been burglarized. First time in my life this had happened and my private space felt so violated. They took my laptop, external backup drive, dvd recorder, scanner, printer, lockbox with important papers (including items 2 & 3). They also took some items that had great sentimental value, like my dad's 60 year old Longines watch. That one really PO'd me. So I made sure I signed up for a credit watch service that alerts me to any inquiries on my credit with the three credit agencies. They send an alert to my PDA and an email to my computer. But they got my SS card and that's just a hassle to replace. That and my car title. Oh, and they took my DVD player and about 200 DVD's I had collected.

Oh well, it's just stuff, no one was hurt and that's the main thing.

It's about 8:30 am and I have to get going to breakfast with my sisters. Have a great day, I will post my meal menus later today.

Up early

Ok, so why is it that when I'm working I hate getting up before 6am and now that I'm on vacation I have been up before 6am almost every day. Damn internal clocks, now if I can just find the internal snooze.

Ok, up early again today. I am meeting my sisters for breakfast at Arizona Charlies East today. It's the buffet but they don't serve chicken for breakfast so that means oatmeal, my egg white omelette and some fruit. They have one of the smaller buffets in town, but it's not bad for the price. Unfortunately, for breakfast they have all the artery buster foods and little of healthy stuff. That's ok, my three items will be more than enough.

I have been having trouble hitting my target calories that last week. I am supposed to be between 1800 and 2100 calories a day. Here is what I have been hitting.

Monday : 1749
Tuesday : 1600
Wednesday : 1563
Thursday : 1431
Friday : 1544

I use Calorie King software on my PDA to keep track of actual calories. I need to get these up a bit or my weight loss might slow. You'd think that eating less = losing weight faster. But that equation doesn't actually hold true. Eating less = losing weight slower. At my weight, it takes approx 4620 alories (weight times 11) to maintain. So by cutting to 1800 a day I am in a deficit of 2820 calories a day. 2820 x 7 days = 19740. 19740/3500 (calories in 1 pound) = 5.64 pounds lost per week. That's the mathmatics of what I should be losing once I get rid of excess water weight. As you lose weight your base calories per day goes down which also decreses your weight loss, but not by that much.

Well, I guess I should get up, shower and get ready to leave. I think I may go to the movies today, maybe "Over the Hedge" or "X Men." I ordered a copy of "Vegas" on ebay today. Got it for 7 bucks on VHS. I wish it were on DVD, but it's still one of those shows that hasn't oome to dvd. That is one of my favorite old shows. Mainly because I get to see "old" Vegas before the mega-resorts started taking over. Vegas isn't the same since. I like the show too, though they can be a bit corny at times. Rockford files is also one of my favorite 70's shows.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Almost 1 month

Today is day 26 on NS and everything is going fine. I put in my second order today and this time I ordered what I wanted. So we'll see if I get everything. I hear that NS substitutes what they want if they are out of something. I finally found Walden Farms products at Albertsons. I got the Alfredo sauce, Bleu cheese dressing and Marshmallow dip. I know it's diffcult to believe, but all three products have ZERO calories per serving. Ok, there likely isn't a smidgen of bleu cheese in the dressing, and I don't want to even know the chemicals they combined to make Alfredo sauce. But I hear so many raves on the NS boards about them that I had to try. Now I doubt they actually have zero calories. By law, any product with under 5 calories per serving can list the calories as zero. so they likely have at least a few calories per serving. And they aren't cheap. I think for all three items, they totaled about $15. I plan on trying the Alfredo sauce on my veggies and the marshmallow dip for my fruit.

I really didn't do much today. Today was technically the first day of my vacation since my regular days off are Wed/Thur. I go back on Saturday, January 3.

I usually only eat out once per week and that is Wednesday morning for breakfast with my sister Vicky, her friend Rocko and his niece Heidi. But since I'm on vacation I've been eating breakfast out much more. Today Rocko, Vicky and I all went to breakfast, but I had my usual, egg-white omelette, skinless chicken breast and 8oz of Oatmeal.

For lunch I had a NS fudge graham bar (190 cal) and a big salad. I'm stuffed right now and still have quite a bit to get in for the day.

** Dinner Update ** I had a very nice dinner tonight, my NS Entree (Ravioli with Spinach) along with a side of spinach and peas. Oh, and I had the Ravioli over two slices of Polenta. I used my Walden Farm's Alfredo sauce over the spinach and it added a nice touch. Not bad. Usually I add Mrs Dash or hot sauce to spice up my veggies, but the Alfredo sauce added a nice touch.

One thing I've noticed about myself is that once I get into a rhythm of healthy eating, I can usually stay in it quite well. That's why I try not to let myself have a "off" day and eat badly. Those can spiral into 2 days, a week and then before you know it, it's nearly impossible to get back into the healthy eating mode.

I have to say, I really enjoy those Fit'n Free pizzas. I had another one for dinner last night. I jazz it up a bit with a nice tomato, some onion, mushrooms and a little more light cheese. But they are really excellent. Then again, maybe some of you getting the high octane stuff might not like them, but those of us on diets, it's like nirvana of food.

Technically, day 28 is the end of the first month of NS, but since it was my first month they sent me a FREE week. So I have about 10 days of meals left. I have to make room in the cabinets to keep all this food. Right now it's spread out on my dinning room table. I need to organize it better, sorry that's the Virgo in me.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Feelin' Alive on Day 25!!!

Today is day 25 on NS and it's been another good day. Breakfast was french toast (2 piece of light bread with one egg), and the NS breakfast (frosted oats) with 4 oz of FF milk. I didn't have my fruit, but will get that in later. Lunch was a big salad with tomato and Onion on top and the NS lunch (tuna salad) on two pieces of light bread. I am leaving soon for a few hours and will eat dinner when I get home. Again, I hardly have any appettite so I don't mind waiting until 8pm for dinner.

I took my car to my mechanic today to have an oil change and he was too busy. Now I've been taking my care to this guy for 10 years and likely have funded one of his kids college education. He couldn't squeeze me in for a 20 minute oil and lube? He wants me to come back Saturday morning. I should just bring it to one of those quicky lube places, but I liken them to those carpet cleaners in Seinfeld. George wanted them to clean his carpets for the cheap price but new he'd get pitched on converting to their religion. Those quickly lube places will change your oil for 20 bucks but then they bring out the laundry list of things wrong with your car that you really should have fixed NOW for the low price of $750!! But, that's the price you pay or a cheap oil and lube.

Well, Taylor won A.I and I didn't care either way. He's ok but lets face it, Kat is pretty nice looking. I actually liked the show with all the rejects making appearances and some stars too. I'm not a big Prince fan, but the Purple clad crooner did add a nice ending to the show. The awards were a bit hokey, but it was different.

Have to run, but I will post my dinner menu later this evening.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Pizza Night!!!

So you're on a diet and you say you can't eat pizza? Think again, Fit'n Free Pizza is a great way to add this usually diet no-no and not be guilty about doing it. Nutrisystem did ship me three, thin crust pizzas, but they are about only 4 inches in diameter, about the size of one small slice of regular pizza. Many NS followers are using this great substitute from Fit'nFree Pizza. A 7 inch cheese pizza has only 212 calories, 0 grams of fat and 24 grams of protein and 0 cholesterol. So guess what showed up at my door today..... yep, my shipment of 6 pizzas. Actually they aren't too expensive, about 4 dollars and change per pizza (including shipping).

So I decided to give them a try tonight. My dinner was a salad of broccoli and cabbage, topped with my cooked tomato-onion mixture and tonight I added a cup of fresh snap peas. I also included two slices of Polenta and what a huge salad. You can eat the pizza with just the cheese, but most people add their own toppings. I added a oz of low fat cheeze (60 calories), 4 slices of chicken (60 calories), 1 sliced tomato and some onion. The entire Pizza came out to about 350 calories. The salad was another 190 calories (including the peas and polenta). Total dinner calories, 540 and I'm stuffed. I still have nearly 600 calories to get to 1800 for the day and I know I'll never get that many in between now and bedtime.

It's been a long day. Got up early, went to mass with my sister, met her friend Rocko there and his neice. Afterwards the four of us did breakfast at Texas, I had my usual, egg white omelette with veggies, one skinless chicken breast and 8 oz of Oatmeal. After that Vicky came over to my place to do her laundry (her condo doesn't have a washer/dryer). Then I went to Circuit City to get some blank DVD's so I can burn a documentary for some friends that want to see it. I also have to get a new DVD player but I didn't see one I wanted.

After that I had to go to the grocery store for some veggies and odds and ends. I was going to get gas today, but I didn't have my Platinum Visa with me and I was afraid my regular Visa wouldn't hold the charge. :) Can you beleive the price of gas! Here in Vegas it's about $3.11 a gallon.

Anyways, day 24 on NS was great again. Still no hunger pangs and I'm still struggling get in my 1800-2100 calories a day. Well, American Idol is on so I guess I should see the conclusion, though I may switch to Lost.

Oh, I temporarily took the Elvis video off the page. I get tired of the same song so until I find a few I can rotate I will leave him off. Elvis has left the blog!!!

I almost forgot. While I was at Texas station and waiting for Heidi and Vicky to return from the restroom, I put $20 in the video slot and looky what Mikey got!!! $500 bucks baby (four Aces with the kicker)... I hardly ever gamble. When you live in Vegas gambling is a quick way to the poor house. These casinos didn't net over a billion dollars in profit last quarter on winners. So the only time I allow myself to play is when I have visitors in town and I want to be social or on the rare occassion like today. That's $500 bucks they won't be getting back. Hey, now I have enough to fill my tank with gas tomorrow. :) Ok, maybe two tank fulls.

I snapped a picture with my cell phone so I can remember this moment. Last time I ever won this much money gambling, Elvis was on the marquee at the Hilton. Ok, so I'm exagerating a bit, but it's been ages. I really would love to hit Megabucks, it's nearly 18 million right now. Only problem is I haven't played it in about five years. Guess you have to play if you want to win. Oh well, my little $500 win makes me very happy.

Hope you all had a wonderful and blessed day!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Another Day in Sin City

I didn't make it to the movie tonight, I had to stop by Lowes and pick up a few items so I was running late. I also didn't get to dinner until around 8pm and I still wasn't hungry. If I could clone the last 23 days on NS, I would never be overweight again. But, if I've learned one thing from the past, it's to not get overconfident and think this is easy. It's day by day.

I did have one of the best NS dinners tonight, Lasagna. Now, it isn't as good as my dear Italian mother's was - God rest her soul - but it's actually pretty darn good. I would rate it my favorite NS dinner right now. I'm still struggling to get in all my calories. It's almost 10 pm and I still have about 400 calories just to get to 1700. I will have some pineapple and one of the NS desserts soon, but I'm afraid I won't get to 1700 today.

On a non-NS note. Tonight was the last night of American Idol. If only Kat McPhee could make a living singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," she'd be a star. I think this is one of the weaker final two pairings since A.I started. I don't know which one will win though I am leaning towards the old guy. Though I should be rooting for Kat since she lives about 3 miles from where I grew up, in the San Fernando Valley of LA. She went to Notre Dame High School and I went to Birmingham, which was only about 4 miles away or thereabouts. We never played them in sports, they were in a different league than we were. I wish we were in their league when I went to high school, then I wouldn't have had to play football against the likes of Charles White and John Elway. Yes, John Elway went to Granada Hills High and they kicked our butts every year. Charles White went to San Fernando High and they did likewise. Good times!!!

Well, officially day 23 on NS is in the books and I've had 23 perfect days on the program. Here's hoping for 24, God willing.

Vacation time

Today is the first day of my vacation. I might be going to LA for a few days, but mostly staying in town. I have a large "to-do" list and I really need to get some of them done. Since I didn't work today my sister and I went to mass at 8am, met her friend Rocko there and then the three of us went to the Texas Station buffet for breakfast. Ok, I know what your thinking, "aren't you on Nutrisystem?" Yes, but one nice thing is that you can eat out on NS if you do it right. And, buffets can be perfect for any dieter. Yes, you read right.... buffets are excellent venues for people on diets. IF, you can control yourself. All Vegas buffets, from the cheap to expensive, have lots of fresh salads and veggies, lots of cooked veggies, low fat meats like turkey breast, baked chicken and fish. You can eat a lot of good food and not have tons of calories. For dessert, there's always a selection of fruit and even sugar free jello on most buffets. Most people who visit Vegas go wild in the buffets and way over eat. But for me, it's the perfect place when I do want to eat out.

For breakfast I had an egg white omelette loaded with tomato, onion and spinach (no cheese). I asked the cook to use a vegtable spray and not that butter/oil mixture they slather on the pan. I had about a cup of cooked oatmeal, one skinless chicken breast and for dessert, three slices of melon. How this translates into NS is this : The omelette is the NS breakfast entree, the chicken is the protein serving, the oatmeal is the low gly carb and the melon is the fruit serving. Calories : about 450. Oh, and I topped the omelette with a tomato/basil/onion mixture they serve fresh. See, you can eat at Vegas buffets and not consume 3000 calories in one sitting.

For lunch today I will have a NS bar and that will be it. The only reason I'm not having the salad and protein is because I will be running errands all afternoon and the bar is good for on the go. Plus, in 22 days on NS I would rate my hunger pangs as ONE on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being ravenous). I have literally had to force myself to eat most of the time. And it's important to eat since if you don't your body will think you are trying to starve it and start conserving calories. That's not what you want to do. So I have to get in my 1700-2000 calories a day - even if I'm not hungry. It's amazing.

For those who don't eat Polenta or know what it is, I highly recommend it. I use this corn meal concoction as the base for my NS dinner entree every evening. Two, 1/2 inch slices, count as one low gly carb serving. I could get in a third slice but two works fine. Albertsons has a very nice Organic Polenta with dried tomato and garlic. Very good. Trader Joe's has a very good plain Organic Polenta which is actually much cheaper than the one at Albertsons. My maternal grandmother came to this country from Northern Italy and they used Polenta as a daily staple in their diets. Southern Italians, where my grandfather came from, they didn't eat polenta - or at least like they did in the North. So from the time I was a small child I remember my Nona Bella cooking us polenta. Prepackaged Albertson's brand is a far cry from hers, but what's a guy to do. Oh, and don't freeze it. I tried that and it takes like 3 days to thaw and when it does it changes the texture. It becomes dry and crumbly instead of moist.

I have twin sisters and they are going to their friend Rocko's home tonight along with a few other friends and watching the life story of Sister Faustina. I have been invited too so I may go. They are having dinner there also, but since I ate out today for breakfast I won't eat dinner out. They know I'm on NS and won't be offended by my not eating dinner at their home. I could bring a prepackaged dinner, but considering I won't likely be hungry, I'll just eat before I go or later in the evening.

Lots of errands to run so I best get going.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Today's Cartoon

Now this would really make Nutrisystem a great diet...... if only!!!!

1 down, 1 to go Soupy!!

Today is my last day at work before a short vacation. I work weekends so for me today is actually Thursday, though for everyone else it's Monday. My vacation starts on Tuesday and I will be back on June 3rd. I'm not going anyplace, I have lots of projects to do around the house, plus I want to get to the gym more often if my knee will hold up. I'm sure once I get enough weight off I will need surgery on it. All the injuries I sustained playing sports in college, I'm surprised it works as well as it does.

Today starts week 4 of Nutrisystem and I've been 100% compliant. I'm not going to use the word "easy" since every time I get overconfident I seem to get bit in the ass and then things go South. I'm just taking it one day at a time. I will be placing my next NS order in about a week. This time I'm ordering what I want and not taking the one they send me. There are certain things I just don't care to eat, though I have to say so far nothing has been terrible. The muffins come close though. I have spent more money than I thought I would on the additions. For those not on NS, they supply the main entrees and you supplement them with vegetables, fruit, low gly carbs, protein and fat. What you add is actually not much, but I try to get a lot of FF (fat free) items and low cal versions which the grocers always mark up. I spent $70 at the grocery store the other day for this week's add-ons. So this isn't a cheap diet, but the price is worth it if I continue to have success.

It actually looks like rain today in Vegas, a rarity. We were 100 degrees yesterday and today we are 75. Crazy weather.

Today's Menu:
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal, NS breakfast, LF string cheese and fruit cup. Thats' about 400 calories.
Lunch : Boca burger sandwhich on FF whole wheat bread, NS lunch, apple. I don't have my salad today for lunch, will have to get that this evening. about 440 calories

Dinner : NS Entree over 3 slices of tomato/basil Polenta, cole slaw (no mayo) with balsamic vinegar topped with sauteed onion and tomatoes. Fresh carrots and radishes. Cooked spinach and zuchinni. approx 550 calories

Late Snack : NS dessert, 1/4 cup FF cottage cheese topped with mandarin oranges, one slice of light wheat bread topped with 1 tspn of Peanut Butter and 6 almonds. approx 280 calories

On NS you don't need to count calories, just use their guidelines. but I like to count and see where I come out by the end of the day. today should be about 1700. My range should be 1800-2100. So today's menu will be very good.

Any of you on NS that might be struggling a bit, one thing that works great for me is planning the entire day's menu the night before. I know what I have for all four meals and that's it. Works out good for me.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Back to the Gym Part II

I need to get back to the gym. I have a membership at Las Vegas Athletic Clubs but haven't used it for months. From July of 2005 until December I was hitting the gym 3-4 times a week for an hour and a half. It's amazing how long it takes to build muscle tone but how quickly it goes away when you haven't been working out. It's always difficult those first few days back at the gym. I have played sports in front of huge crowds, but it was very intimidating going back to the gym when I was overweight. All those buff bods working out. But then you realize that there are others who are not in good shape or even in just as bad shape as you. And most everyone is in their own little world anyways. I got over my intial apprehension in a few days and then it never bothered me again.


My cousin Paul passed away recently. I can't believe how many people in my life I have lost over the last year. It started last April with my cousin Mike, then my mother passed in May, my Godmother Angelina in July, then FOUR work friends passed away including LA Rams great Jack Snow. Jack hosted our TV show for many, many years and he was a very nice man. He was so healthy and vigourous. Then in December my Uncle Sil passed (dad's brother), then it was my Aunt Florence in January (mom's sister) and now my cousin Paul at age 49. Whew!!!!

Week 4 begins

This picture is from last September when I was around 350lbs. Health Steward Sarah visted from San Diego and I took her to Hoover Dam. NOTE : Here is a link of Sarah 105 lbs lighter than that day at Hoover Dam. click for updated Sarah photo
Sarah isn't on NS, she's on a liquid fast. Excellent work Sarah!!!

Well, this is the end of week 3 on Nutrisystem. I must say I'm very satisfied so far. The foods are very good, with the exception of a few items. I don't like the muffins, won't order those next time. I'm not much for shakes and drinks so the cocoa and milk shakes are out too. The pudding is pretty good so I will get a few of those. So far my favorite breakfast item has been the pancakes. I add blueberrys or corn and make one big pancake - add some fat free syrup and your good to go. Lunches are all decent, no complaints. Same with the dinners. My favorite dessert are the biscottis. They are a bit hard, but I top them with a tspn of peanut butter and it makes a nice dessert.

I think what is most amazing so far on NS is that I am not hungry. I have to remind myself to eat. I don't know if it's the low glycymic diet that keeps the hunger away or what, but since day one I haven't wanted to chew the legs off the sofa or anything like that. But I do get to eat quite a bit too.

Here is my typical day's meal when I am at work:

Breakfast : 1/2 cup (uncooked) oatmeal, one fruit (60 cals), one protein (usually a hard boiled egg or string cheese) and the NS breakfast. ~400-450 calories total

Lunch : two slices of light wheat bread, a protein filler for the bread (usually a boca burger or slices of chicken or turkey), one slice Fat Free cheese, veggie of some kind (usually carrots, green onions), fruit, NS lunch entree. ~450 calories

Dinner : NS entree, polenta (one of my low gly carbs), veggie (usually spinach or broccoli), another low gly carb (usually corn or peas), a big salad of sliced cabbage (cole slaw) with fat free dressing topped with sauteed onions and tomatoes. I like to make a hot salad, I enjoy the onions and tomatoes after they release their sugars, makes for a very good salad. I also top the polenta (70 calories) with the NS entree. Makes a very nice main entree. Then with my veggies I may add some hot sauce or soy sauce to liven them up a bit. All in all, it's a very large dinner with lots of vegtables. ~500-600 calories

Late Snack (I usually combine my snack and dessert here for a fourth meal) : NS Dessert, 2 fats (usually either peanut butter and/or almonds), protein (usually FF cottage cheese), fruit (usually mandarin oranges or fruit cup) and if I have a left over low gly carb I will add a slice of light wheat bread. I like to save my two fats from dinner for my late fourth meal. This way I can have a peanut butter sandwhich if I desire or top a biscotti with peanut butter and still have some almonds. I enjoy takine a 1/4 cup of FF cottage cheese and topping it with some Mandarin oranges. Very nice. ~400 calories.

As you can see, I usually top out between 1700 and 1800 calories, give or take depending on entrees. But I also get a lot of food and have not been hungry. I just hope this continues this way.

Today is Sunday, just got back from mass, must feed the soul too. It's going to be another hot day in Vegas, likely around 100. Though we may get some storms in late tonight and into Monday. I like a good thunderstorm, but I hate the flash floods we can get so easily. Though I will say it's much better than 1999 when we got hit hard by floods. This city has made a lot of major flood improvements but they still have a long way to go.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Journey Begins!!!

Well, today is my first day of my blog. Why am I doing is and will anyone actually ever read it? I don't know, but it will help me keep a record of what I am up to and my weight loss journey. Growing up I played lots of sports and didn't have a weight problem. When I was 26 I weighed 175 lbs and had a very low body fat %. Now, at 45 I'm over 400lbs and though I'm still pretty healthy, I have to get this under control now. I am more committed to becomming healthy and a reasonable weight than I can ever remember since being overweight. Life is short and I want certain things from life and I know I can't enjoy them being overweight. With God's help, I am going to lick this thing once and for all.

Between June 2004 and February 2005 I lost about 85lbs. By July 2005 I was down to 342 which was over 100lbs lost. Then pressures at work and losing so many people in my life really started to work on me and I gained back quite a bit of weight. But before I gain it all back plus more, I am determined to conquer this. For me, being healthy in body, mind and spirit all starts with my weight. When I'm feeling good about myself and my body, it makes me closer to God, friends and family.

What am I doing different this time? After doing some research I found Nutrisystem. I thought, "why not." So on May 1st 2006 I received my first food shipment and after studying their program I got started. I will talk more about the system as time goes by, but so far as of this writing (May 21) I have lost 20lbs and been very happy with the program. In fact, some days I find it difficult to eat all the food I'm supposed to, which come out to about 1800-2100 calories a day.

So my 2nd weight loss journey begins, hopefully I have learned from mistakes that saw me regain so much weight and I can succeed at this. My life depends on it.

The picture of me in the Santa hat is around age 30 and weighing in at 175 lbs. I will post my "fat" pictures as I go along. It's very sad when you need to lose as much as you once weighed.