Mental Exercise
Ok, minor setback with the exercise as I pulled a muscle in my back. I was dead lifting 400 lbs at the gym and felt something strange. What!! you don't believe me? Ok, would you believe 200lbs on the military press? (insert your best Maxwell Smart voice here)..... Would you believe the juicebar waitress over my head? Ahhh, would you believe a beer from the fridge...... Ok,Ok, I tweaked it getting out of the shower. So I really did tweak it deadlifting 400lbs.... just that it wasn't at the gym, it was out of the shower. I hear you laughing over there, but it's true. And before you judge me so harshly, just remember, most home accidents occur in the kitchen and bathroom. Showers can be dangerous. In fact, I'm thinking I should just give them up alltogether. Just kidding. So my back really doesn't hurt too much, just when I THINK of going to the gym. So no more of that negative thinking. :)
So I went to Albertson's for some veggies and a few other odds and ends. Three bags of groceries, $47!!! Geez Louise. Of course nine bucks of that was on contact solution. We complain about the $3 per gallon gasoline prices,when we should be protesting the price of contact solution. $9 for about 12 oz. What does that come out to, over $100 per gallon of contact solution!!!! And it's not even refined or supplies being disrupted by wars or hurricanes.
I'm watching "Secret Smile" on BBC America. It's a two-part miniseries . This woman (Miranda) dates a guy for 10 days and then finds out he's a psycho. She dumps him but he doesn't take it well and to get back at her he starts dating her sister. He proceeds to get her manic-drepressive brother to kill himself, dumps the sister at the alter, marries Miranda's best friend, kills best friend, makes everyone including the police think SHE'S the one that is the stalker and then moves on to another woman he terrorizes. Miranda not only wants to get him for pushing her brother to suicide, but also to save this new victim of his. All in all not bad, but the ending was kind of predictable. Miranda was played by Kate Ashfield, of Shaun of the Dead fame.
Dinner update : 2 slices of Polenta covered with the NS entree (Chicken Pasta Parmesan). Stir fry veggies with extra snap peas. calories 461
Snack/late meal : chocolate biscotti with 1 tspn peanut butter, 1/4 melon, 3/4 cup pineapple and light yoplait yogurt. Calories 350
Today's total calories : 1500. Below the 1800-2100 target, but oh well.
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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