It's a Mad Mad City

I hate Vegas on holidays. This place normally is croweded with tourists, but even more so during the holidays. You'd think $3.40/gallon gas in LA would keep them away, but nope, they come here in record numbers. I was going to go to Mandalay Bay's Coral Reef lounge show tonight until I remembered this was a holiday weekend. You won't catch me within miles of the Strip this weekend. It's bad enough I have to cross the Strip going to and from work each day. No, I don't work in a gaming related business. My job is in sports and I mainly work on Internet and statistical/software related projects. That's why I have to take my nearly 6 weeks of vacation time from May 1st until July 30. We aren't allowed vacations during football season and most of basketball.
I have to get some things done this week. Here's my to-do list for the upcoming week of vacation.
1. Oil Change
2. Replace my stolen Social Security card.
3. Replace my stolen car title.
4. Clean house
5. Clean yard
Ok, number 2 & 3 relate to a home breakin that happened to me back in January. I returned from church one day and found my house had been burglarized. First time in my life this had happened and my private space felt so violated. They took my laptop, external backup drive, dvd recorder, scanner, printer, lockbox with important papers (including items 2 & 3). They also took some items that had great sentimental value, like my dad's 60 year old Longines watch. That one really PO'd me. So I made sure I signed up for a credit watch service that alerts me to any inquiries on my credit with the three credit agencies. They send an alert to my PDA and an email to my computer. But they got my SS card and that's just a hassle to replace. That and my car title. Oh, and they took my DVD player and about 200 DVD's I had collected.
Oh well, it's just stuff, no one was hurt and that's the main thing.
It's about 8:30 am and I have to get going to breakfast with my sisters. Have a great day, I will post my meal menus later today.
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