One Month down......

Sunday marks day 28 on NS and the end of the first month. I have to say, I've had a 100% compliant month on NS and it's been extremely smooth. Too much so in fact. The food has been good, I haven't been hungry and I have felt well. Tonight's dinner was another pizza (they sure are good) with tomato, onion, extra cheese and chicken. Total calories, 350. I added a nice salad with some Polenta and that brought dinner to about 550 calories.
My late snack/dessert was some Melon, non-fat yogurt, almonds and NS Dessert (pudding), for 350 calories. That brought my day to 1805 calories, a perfect day in my calorie range.
I'd like to say my vacation has let me forget about work for a week or so, but so far I've had to do some work from home on about 3 nights. I guess the only way to get totally out of the work is to leave town.
Weigh-in day will be Monday morning. I'm hoping for at least 4 pounds this week. I should get just over 5 if I stick to my calories perfectly, which I have. I don't expect the 10 pounds I've been seeing, but I would be more than happy with 4-5 a week.
I think I will go to the gym on Monday. I know my weight routine will really have had a setback. I will have to reduce the weights quite a bit. It's so easy for your muscles to lose any tone you've built up.
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