Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Viva Las Vegas

There is a new website called Weight Loss Tips and they asked me to do an interview for them, bascially to know how my journey has come along so far and what program I'm using. If you want to read mine or any other people's interviews be sure to check them out!!!! Here is the link my Interview.


This is Elvis week in Las Vegas. It was 29 years ago on August 16th that Elvis died. There are those days in your life where you know exactly where you were and what you where doing at the time of that event. For me it was when man first walked on the moon, I was just a little kid but for some reason that event stands out in my mind. Then the next as the death of Elvis and the last was 9/11.

When Elvis passed on I was still living in So.Cal and my dad had this motor home and used to take us (the family) on long vacations. I was in high school and we were heading back to California so I could get back in time for the new school year. We were spending the night at a campground behind Circus Circus here in Vegas of all place. I remember I was in the motor home, getting my swim suit to head out to the pool when the news came across the radio my sister had on that Elvis was dead.

For those of you who are old enough, do you remember what you were doing the day Elvis died???

In honor of "The King" I've put my Elvis video back for this week.


Saturday, August 05, 2006


Went out to dinner with some friends last night. Ended up not getting home until almost midnight. But I ate well, I had crab legs with no butter and no sauce. I enjoy just the taste of the crab legs so to me I can eat just those.

Wow, Vegas is having a cold spell. It's like 98 today!!!! brrrrrrr...... I need to dust off my winter clothes I think. :)

Well, football starts tomorrow night and that usually is the unoffical end to my summer. However, this year I'm taking a five day trip to where I grew up in the San Fernando valley area of Los Angeles. I'm going on the week of my birthday from August 21 to the 26. I'm going to rent a car and drive since I like driving trips anyways. I'm also going to Bakersfield to visit a friend I've known since the 7th grade.

I know I can bring my NS meals with me to LA, but I can only hope I will be good. One place I used to love eating was this little breakfast place in Chatsworth that had the best cinamon swirl french toast. I'm sure there were like 1000 calories in that breakfast. I just need to stay away from there.

Plus I never go to LA without visiting the Farmer's Market on 3rd and Fairfax. I love that place and again it centers around food. They have wonderful open air restuarants. Damn, all my favorite places involve food. Then there's Cupid's hot dog stands and who can miss out on Pink's!!!!!

And I have to stop at Mann's Chinese theatre. Until you've seen a movie in this historic place, you haven't seen a movie. And they have wonderful hot dogs and popcorn.

Maybe I will stay home afterall. :( Just kidding. I need to learn to have fun doing those kinds of things without the food being the focal point. I don't know how I can go to Farmer's market though without eating something!!!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August already!!!

I know some of you out there (Emily) are already counting the days to Christmas vacation!!!! Well, it's 137!!! Can you believe it's already August!!! Where does the time go?

Ok, I can't actually complain too much about the heat here now. It's still hot, like 100, but the humity has gone down since the Monsoons have shifted further East and it's actually bearable. I just hate that humidity. I know you East Coasters are laughing at me for complaining about 30-40% humidity, but we are spoiled in the desert, it's only like single digits normally.

For me, this is my busy time of the year. I work in the sports field and football officially gets underway this Sunday with the Raiders (yuk!!) and Eagles. Ok, I'm a lifelong Broncos fan, it's bred in me to hate the Raiders!!! Even though I was born in Denver I became a bigger fan when Elway went there. I played football in high school against Elway and I've always admired him. Ok, so their high school kicked out butts and I hated him on those nights, but after high school I always followed his career. So for you football fans out there you can buckle down your helmets and get ready for another season. For me, it's my busy time of the year and I will be busy from now until March when the Final Four in basketball are done.

Hope you all are doing great on your respective programs and thanks for spending any time reading my boring blog. (great new name, Mike's Boring Blog)!!!!