Vegas might have lots of lights on the Strip, but last night we got a light show from mother nature. Big Thunderstorms rolled through Vegas and I haven't seen that much lightning or heard that much Thunder in ages. A few shots sounded like they were right in my backyard. And, with the high winds my power went out for a few hours. Ok, no T.V, no Internet access..... I can live with those, but NO A/C!!!! Yikes!!! Finally a few hours later my power came back. It's amazing how spoiled we are with power. Take it away and we almost can't function. The picture at left was taken last night from Pecos and Windmill on the Southeast side of Las Vegas!!!!
Then today I called HP and was told that my keyboard was not in stock so it's going to take another week!!! So I'm stuck with this piece of junk at least another week. I'm not very happy.
So my updates will be smaller and maybe a few days in between until I get my laptop back.
I will get to read other blogs hopefully in the next few days.
Dang it! I kept forgetting to add you to my links...but you're there now! :)
Great pic! My friend in Ridgecrest, CA sent me pics of the ligtening show they got too. Lucky bums! I can't even remember the last time I saw lightening. We get some here in Sac, but not like what you saw!
Now that is a beautiful picture. We don't get so many storms here. I miss thunderstorms. My power went out overnight from a storm last summer. Oh, it was pure torture. Glad it didn't last too long.
GREAT picture. Sorry to hear about the delay with your HP laptop keyboard. Bummer.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Well I guess the PC situation hasn't improved bummer.
And I'm impressed that Anonymous found a way to get free advertising on your site. LOL. (Click the >> in his comment - better yet don't!)
I saw that, guess they will get ads in however they can.
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