Monday, June 26, 2006

Week 9 begins

Today starts Week 9 on NS and my third order will ship shortly. I've modified it a bit again, adding more of what I like most, trying a few new items and getting rid of a few things that where ok, but not great. I am adding the chocolate cake for the first time. I'm a bit leary of this item since it is likely the size of a half dollar and well, I guess I will see. I have always been a big fan of carmel corn and they do have it on this diet, so I got like 5 of those for my next order.

I ate breakfast at home today so I made pancakes, added some sugar free jam (5 cal per Tblspn) and some low cal syrup. I also had 1/2 cup of egg substitute with some fat free cheese and low cal whole wheat bread.

That took care of NS Entree, 1 protein, 1 carb and about a 1/3 a fruit

total cals : 337.

What's amazing is that if I went out to eat and had that same breakfast, it would likely be around 1300 calories. It is amazing what you can save when you eat healthy alternatives to your favorite items.

I'm off, will post lunch and dinner later.

Hey, we are in for a cooling trend this week, it's only supposed to be around 105!!! Now where did I leave those sweaters I save just for these kind of days!!!! ;)


Despite not feeling great I had a pretty productive day. Took the day off work, ran errands, went to the gym and then cleaned house all afternoon and evening. Much nicer and cleaner now.

I finished up with a nice dinner.

NS Entree (Rotini) over Polenta. Spinach with onions and a salad. about 540 calories.

For dessert I had the NS chocolates (still don't know if I like these or not) plus a pbj sandwich. total calories 290.

All in all I came in around 1650 calories today, below my 1800 calories I like to hit.

Off to bed now.


At 1:07 PM, Blogger Scarlett O'Hara said...

Hey! You're doing awesome, Micheal!

I saw you post on Emily's blog so thought I'd check out yours. Yesterday was my 1st yr wedding anniv and today we were in Vegas on our Honeymoon! LOL...It was hot, but I can't remember how hot. It was 20 degrees hotter this year than on our wedding last yr here in Sacramento. Amazing!

We do miss Vegas tho! Can't wait to visit again! hehe...we stayed at the Mandalay Bay. Awesome place!

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Emily said...

105! I'm jealous. 113 here today! Oh, I remember the days of 105. Your breakfast this morning sounds great, and it makes me wish I were a man and got the extra carb!

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Michael - I just read this today, and interestingly enough I wrote a similar post yesterday about how a breakfast out can have 800 to 1200 calories in it and a modified similar breakfast at home will have just over 300 calories in it. A lot has to do with the sauces and spreads too - butter about a 100 calories for a Tablespoon, ICBINB spray 20 calories per 25 squirts, regular vs. sugar-free maple syrup saves another 200 calories per quarter cup.

I do not envy you the hot weather. Still pretty cool here from all the rainy weather (77 as I write this at 3:30 p.m. Friday).


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