Sunday, July 09, 2006

Closing out week 10!!!

Week 10 is about over, in fact today is the end. That makes 10 weeks and 71 days on NS. I have been very happy with the program so far and I can see how people needing to lose 20, 40 or more lbs like the program. It also helps to re-establish portion control. Just seeing the difference between the cereal they give you and what I used to eat is amazing. I have also learned to eat a lot more veggies. I eat a lot of veggies with dinner and as the Jazzman says on his site, "no one ever got fat from eating vegetables." I eat salads once in a while, not as much as I did when I first started the program. Though I do love the Asian salad at McDonalds. It's about 340 calories with the low cal dressing, but I use it for my fruit, salad, protein servings when I include it. With the NS lunch entree it bring lunch in around 500 calories, which isn't bad.

Last night I saw a commercial for Jack in the BOx with their new double sour dough patty hamburger, huge fries and huge ice-cream chocolate shake. I know the shake alone has around 1300 calories (according to Calorie King), the burger is likely around 1100 and the fries are about 500. That makes that meal worth 2900 calories. That's more than any of us need for one entire day. It's no wonder America has gotten fatter. I know I could have eaten that lunch and then had dinner and dessert and don't forget breakfast. And you wonder how you can get to 400lbs. It ain't difficult in this day and age. You just have to ask yourself, is it worth it? I know for me it isn't.

I just had my NS bran cereal, also brought a strawberry apple sauce (4 oz, 45 cals). Might have some oatmeal later.

Lunch I brought today is a boca burger sandwich and the pasta with beef lunch.

will- post later my dinner.


At 4:36 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Strawberry applesauce, yummy - I'm goingt to have to look for that, I've had blueberry, wildberry and peach but never strawberry. I'm kind of on a fresh strawberries and raspberries kick the past two weeks today I had four servings of strawberries.

I love those Asian salads - I hate dressings so I never use them (I usually have soft-serve on the side and when the salad is dry I have a spoon of that), I find that the Asian salad with just the orange sauce that comes already on it is nice and moist.

I triple checked and there is definitely no poached salmon available on the order form here. They must use your zip code or something to individualize the order forms based on each distribution center or something like that.

Thanks again for posting that picture of the box though - I will definitely keep an eye out for it.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Emily said...

I know what you mean about former eating habits. I must have had a decently fast metabolism. I'm surprised I didn't get bigger than I was with what I was eating. Gross.

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Mr F. said...

congratulations on your diet thus far. Mrs Fat has ordered her food and begins Nutrisystem this week. She will begin dieting tomorrow, and then continue when the food arrives. We'll check in now and then to read about your progress.

I am refocusing too, and going the Atkins route once again. It works best for me. Mrs Fat has trouble with eating meat, so this hopefully will work for her.

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Mr F. said...

I forgot to add that Nutrisystems offers the vegetarian fare, which may be better suited for her tastes. She is also looking forward to the portion control aspect of this diet.

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Mr F. said...

hi this is mrs. fat. i am glad to hear of your success on NS. i too am going on the program and am glad to hear your positive remarks about the food. like you, i ordered mostly pasta and pizza stuff. i did the vegetarian menu. i was also wondering if you have tried the morning star burgers? i noticed you mentioned the boca burgers. i have eaten those for years and have recently discovered the morning star products (cause there were no bocas) and found them to be much tastier than the bocas. just a thought. i am from the high desert too, in calfornia, and we love the desert climate.

your weight loss is amazing and i wish you continued success. i hope that i have the same great results that you have had!

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Bob said...

I was so close to joining you in the 400 club it was scary. But you are right, the servings and caloric content of the things being served to America is frightening. And the fact that children become addicted to it at such a young age is certain to perpetuate the problem.

By the way, excellent job on the food choices. You are doing great!


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