The Blahs!!!

Ok, I have a head cold. It's not terrible, the sore throat is gone. Now it's just the watery eyes and runny nose. I'm still going to stay home today and just rest. Nice way to finish off the last 2 days of vacation. I did need to go to the Social Security office today, but that will have to wait until my next vacation. I still have three vacations left, one at the end of June, one in the middle of July and one in the middle of August. So I still have lots of time left off to get done all the things I need to.
Still not much of an appetetite, though I know I have to eat to force this head cold out. I had my NS breakfast (pancakes) with a low cal syrup. I had two slices of 9 grain bread and some egg beaters. total calories about 350.
Lunch will be NS entree (chicken soup) plus a nice salad and maybe two slices of Polenta.
Dinner : Not sure what that will be yet.
Still haven't received my next shipment of NS foods. I still have at least 4 days of food left so I'm not concerned. I have lots of breakfast items since I have eaten out a lot for breakfast during my vacation.
A bunch of friends and I were planning to go to Mandalay Bay's Coral Reef lounge on Friday night for a show, but I think even if I am feeling better I will not go. I have to work on Satuday and need some extra rest now.
If you do visit Vegas, I have two very good non-gaming events you should see.

The Titanic tour even has a large ice berg so you can touch it and and see how cold the water was on that April 14th evening. I always remember the night the Titanic first hit the iceberg sine April 14th is also my mom's birthday. Though if I remember correctly the Titanic actually sunk in the early morning hours of April 15th.
Two excellent attractions to see on your next visit to Vegas. And, don't forget to gamble a bit, I need my state taxes paid for by you tourists. :)
hey. saw your link over at NS. just wanted to say that i hope you feel better. keep up the good work!
also. i used to live in vegas...i only lasted about 3 mos. too big of a change for this southern girl. :-)
Vegas can be a big change for someone from the East or South. I have grown up in the West, so for me it wasn't too big a transition. thanks for visiting and I hope if you are NS you are doing well too. So far so good for me, but I never get too excited, things can change on a dime.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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